We've gone virtual & are bringing the wedding fayre direct to you!
For the last 10 years, we've organised some of Wales' largest wedding fayres, but due to the current global pandemic, we've decided to go virtual and create The Welsh National Online Wedding Fayre - and now we're bringing the wedding fayre direct to you!
We're looking to create the largest ongoing online wedding fayre in Wales! And with our heavy social media presence - in fact, our Facebook page 'Welsh National Wedding Fayre' has over 13,000 followers - we're already onto a good start.
We've heavily discounted the cost of a virtual stand, and for just a one-off cost of £30+VAT, you'll have your stand until the end of February 2021 - that works out to be just £2 a week!
You'll have 24/7 access to publish posts about your business; opportunities to book a 'virtual room' and host your own demo or Q&A; as well as a captive audience of countless couples eager to book for their big day.
To get your stall up and running, we will need:
Your business name
A 50-word promo intro description of your business
The category you'd like to appear in eg. flowers, cars
Once we have these, along with your payment, you'll be issued with a unique stall number. Please quote this stall number in all your posts. Your stall number will be generated within 1 working day of payment being received (this doesn't include weekends)
Terms & Conditions
Be kind and courteous
Let's treat everyone with respect. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed & degrading comments about things such as race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated
Selling posts
Only stall holders who have been approved and paid will be able to sell in the group. Please do not cross promote on someone else's thread.
Virtual stall costs
One off special offer, 3-month membership for £30 for bookings placed in the first 2 weeks of November, for a stall. Due to Covid-19, this is a highly discounted price to cover admin & advert costs. There are no refunds for payment in any scenario.
No spam or direct messages
Spam and irrelevant links will be deleted. Businesses - please post no more than 4 posts per day. Please do not direct message members, unless replying.
Removal from the group
Please stick to the rules, or you will be removed from the group. We reserve the right to remove anyone at anytime from this group.